Job Vacancies

ADVERTISER (C&S Engineering Consultant Company)

1. ENGINEER (C & S) (Kuching), Degree in Civil Engineering, Preferable with working experience, Fresh Graduates are encouraged to apply, Keen to learn and able to work under minimum supervision,...
2. ASSISTANT ENGINEER (C & S) (Kuching), Diploma in Civil Engineering, Preferable with working experience, Fresh Graduates are encouraged to apply, Responsible and able to work independently,...
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ADVERTISER (C&S Engineering Consultant Company) - 1. ENGINEER (C & S)  (Kuching), Degree in Civil Engineering, Preferable with working experience, Fresh Graduates are encouraged to apply, Keen to learn and able to work under minimum supervision,...
2. ASSISTANT ENGINEER (C & S)  (Kuching), Diploma in Civil Engineering, Preferable with working experience, Fresh Graduates are encouraged to apply, Responsible and able to work independently,...
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Advertised on: 2024-05-31    View Rate From: JobStock(1735), JobStock App(97), Facebook(477), Twitter(10) , More Details
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