Job Vacancies


1. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE / ACCOUNTANT (Kota Samarahan, Kuching), Degree in Accounting / or professional accouting qualifications, preferably a member of MIA or ACCA or other professional accounting bodies ,...
2. SUPERVISOR (Kota Samarahan, Kuching), Candidate with minimum Diploma / Degree in any discipline / Excellent interpersonal and leadership skills, good problem-solving skills,...
Whatsapp 010-380 1918 or Email resume to...
FARLEY - 1. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE / ACCOUNTANT (Kota Samarahan, Kuching), Degree in Accounting / or professional accouting qualifications, preferably a member of MIA or ACCA or other professional accounting bodies ,...
2. SUPERVISOR (Kota Samarahan, Kuching), Candidate with minimum Diploma / Degree in any discipline / Excellent interpersonal and leadership skills, good problem-solving skills,...
Whatsapp 010-380 1918 or Email resume to...
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