Job Vacancies


1. OPERATION CUM MARKETING EXECUTIVE (Kuching), Diploma holder in Business with minimum 2-3 yrs. exp.,...
2. ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE (Kuching), Degree in Finance/ Accounting, 3 yrs. exp.,...
3. SUPERMARKET EXECUTIVE (Kuching), MUST possess with several years working experience with strong management skills in retail Supermarket / Hypermarket and Departmental Stores business,...
4. ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT | OFFICER (Kuching), Diploma holder in Finance/Accounts with minimum 2-3 yrs. exp.,...
5. HALAL OFFICER (Kuching), Degree, Certified Halal Executive by Halal Professional Board (HPB).,...
Whatsapp: 016-8860951 / Email resume to ...
ADVERTISER - 1. OPERATION CUM MARKETING EXECUTIVE  (Kuching), Diploma holder in Business with minimum 2-3 yrs. exp.,...
2. ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE (Kuching),  Degree in Finance/ Accounting, 3 yrs. exp.,...
3. SUPERMARKET EXECUTIVE (Kuching), MUST possess with several years working experience with strong management skills in
retail Supermarket / Hypermarket and Departmental Stores business,...
4. ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT | OFFICER (Kuching), Diploma holder in Finance/Accounts with minimum 2-3 yrs. exp.,...
5. HALAL OFFICER (Kuching), Degree, Certified Halal Executive by Halal Professional Board (HPB).,...
Whatsapp: 016-8860951 / Email resume to ...
Advertised on: 2024-06-05    View Rate From: JobStock(887), JobStock App(129), Facebook(194), Twitter(9) , More Details
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