Job Vacancies

ADVERTISER (Building Construction)

1. ACCOUNT ASSISTANT (Kuching), LCCI/Diploma or higher education in Accounting., 2-3 yrs. exp.,...
2. MOBILE CRANE OPERATOR (Kuching), Able to operate a 25/35 tonne mobile crane, Minimum 3 -5 years experience with valid JKKP recognised license.,...
3. EXCAVATOR OPERATOR (Kuching), Minimum 3-5 year experience in building construction work. ,...
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ADVERTISER (Building Construction) - 1. ACCOUNT ASSISTANT (Kuching),  LCCI/Diploma or higher education in Accounting., 2-3 yrs. exp.,...
2. MOBILE CRANE OPERATOR (Kuching), Able to operate a 25/35 tonne mobile crane, Minimum 3 -5 years experience with valid JKKP recognised license.,...
3. EXCAVATOR OPERATOR (Kuching), Minimum 3-5 year experience in building construction work.	,...
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Advertised on: 2024-06-10    View Rate From: JobStock(1139), JobStock App(56), Facebook(377), Twitter(11) , More Details
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