Job Vacancies


1. ACCOUNT ASSISTANT CUM ADMIN (Kuching), Establish and maintain proper filing system to ensure smooth documentation and administration,...
2. ASSISTANT MANAGER (Kuching), Assist Managing Director the day-to-day office and personal tasks, including prioritizing important deliverables,...
3. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (Kuching), Diploma or above in Electrical Engineering., 1 yr. exp.,...
4. MECHANICAL / AIRCOND SUPERVISOR (Kuching), Minimum of one (1) year working experience in construction projects, Self-motivated and is able to work independently,...
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KJ BUILDERS COMPANY - 1. ACCOUNT ASSISTANT CUM ADMIN (Kuching), Establish and maintain proper filing system to ensure smooth documentation and   
2. ASSISTANT MANAGER (Kuching), Assist Managing Director the day-to-day office and personal tasks, including prioritizing 
important deliverables,...
3. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (Kuching), Diploma or above in Electrical Engineering., 1 yr. exp.,...
4. MECHANICAL / AIRCOND SUPERVISOR (Kuching), Minimum of one (1) year working experience in construction projects, Self-motivated and is able to work independently,...
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Advertised on: 2024-06-10    View Rate From: JobStock(944), JobStock App(130), Facebook(232), Twitter(7) , More Details
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