Job Vacancies


1. MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (Kuching), Degree in Engineering and related field, Fresh graduates encourage to apply,...
2. WAREHOUSE & INVENTORY EXECUTIVE (Kuching), Degree in Commerce or Management related field, Age in between 25-35 years old,...
3. QUALITY CONTROLLER SUPERVISOR (Kuching), Bachelor degree in quality control or related field, Fresh graduates encourage to apply,...
4. CONTROL AND AUTOMATION TECHNICIAN (Kuching), Diploma in Electrical Engineering technology, 2+ years of experience working as an electrical technician,...
5. ACCOUNT ASSISTANT (Kuching), Diploma or Certificate in Accounting, School-leavers are encouraged to apply,...
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YUNG KONG METAL WORKS CO BHD - 1. MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR   (Kuching), Degree in Engineering and related field, Fresh graduates encourage to apply,...
2. WAREHOUSE & INVENTORY EXECUTIVE  (Kuching), Degree in Commerce or Management related field, Age in between 25-35 years old,...
3. QUALITY CONTROLLER SUPERVISOR (Kuching), Bachelor degree in quality control or related field, Fresh graduates encourage to apply,...
4. CONTROL AND AUTOMATION TECHNICIAN  (Kuching), Diploma in Electrical Engineering technology, 2+ years of experience working as an electrical technician,...
5. ACCOUNT ASSISTANT  (Kuching), Diploma or Certificate in Accounting, School-leavers are encouraged to apply,...
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