Job Vacancies


1. PROJECT MANAGER (Kuching, Sibu), 10 yrs. exp., All matters necessary for the due completion of the project & other as advised by the CEO / project director,...
2. QA / QC ENGINEER (Kuching, Sibu), SPM / UEC and above, Computer literate.,...
3. SITE ENGINEER (Kuching, Sibu), 5 yrs. exp., Participate in the planning and formulation of design alternatives and solutions for construction project.,...
4. SITE FOREMAN (Kuching, Sibu), 10 yrs. exp., Responsible for civil and structure implementation based on the drawing,...
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ADVERTISER - 1. PROJECT MANAGER (Kuching, Sibu), 10 yrs. exp., All matters necessary for the due completion of the project &
other as advised by the CEO / project director,...
2. QA / QC ENGINEER (Kuching, Sibu), SPM / UEC and above, Computer literate.,...
3. SITE ENGINEER  (Kuching, Sibu), 5 yrs. exp., Participate in the planning and formulation of design alternatives and 
solutions for construction project.,...
4. SITE FOREMAN (Kuching, Sibu), 10 yrs. exp., Responsible for civil and structure implementation based on the drawing,...
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Advertised on: 2024-06-15    View Rate From: JobStock(808), JobStock App(148), Facebook(188), Twitter(9) , More Details
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