Job Vacancies

ADVERTISER (Property Developer)

1. MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL COORDINATOR / SUPERVISOR (Kuching), Degree/Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering.,...
2. ARCHITECTURAL COORDINATOR (Kuching), Diploma / Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture / Interior Design,...
3. CONTRACT MANAGER / DEPUTY CONTRACT MANAGER (Kuching), Bachelor’s Degree in Quantity Surveying / Contract Management,...
4. QUANTITY SURVEYOR (Kuching), Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree in Quantity Surveying. ,...
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ADVERTISER (Property Developer) - 1. MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL COORDINATOR / SUPERVISOR (Kuching), Degree/Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering.,...
2. ARCHITECTURAL COORDINATOR (Kuching), Diploma / Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture / Interior Design,...
3. CONTRACT MANAGER / DEPUTY CONTRACT MANAGER (Kuching), Bachelor’s Degree in Quantity Surveying / Contract Management,...
4. QUANTITY SURVEYOR (Kuching), Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree in Quantity Surveying. ,...
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Advertised on: 2024-06-15    View Rate From: JobStock(717), JobStock App(141), Facebook(168), Twitter(7) , More Details
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