Job Vacancies

ADVERTISER (Construction Service)

1. SITE ENGINEER / SUPERVISOR (Kuching), At least 2 to 5 years hands on experience in building and housing projects, excellent supervisory and report to office daily activities,...
2. PROJECT ENGINEER (Kuching), Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply, overseeing and executing engineering projects ,...
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ADVERTISER (Construction Service) - 1. SITE ENGINEER / SUPERVISOR (Kuching), At least 2 to 5 years hands on experience in building and housing projects, excellent supervisory and report to office daily activities,...
2. PROJECT ENGINEER (Kuching), Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply, overseeing and executing engineering projects
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Advertised on: 2024-12-14    View Rate From: JobStock(367), JobStock App(86), Facebook(103), Twitter(10) , More Details
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